Ciao Italia!

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I found this quote in my inbox today:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

I read this while I'm still in the airport, awaiting my flight to Venice, Italy.

This quote couldn’t have come at a better time for it captures exactly how I am feeling. I’m embarking on my first solo international journey. I’m so excited and ready to immerse myself in a new culture—new language—to meet new people.

In the past, I’ve also shook my head and said that study abroad wasn’t in my four-year plan. But I’m very glad that it now is. I think studying abroad allows for a special opportunity to discover a world beyond the one which we are comfortable in.

Traveling abroad on my own is new to me. It’s daunting and thrilling at the same time. I know that I’ll be surrounded by classmates and professors along the way. But it’s still so much independence.

It’s going to be an unbelievable experience and I simply cannot wait!

I’ve been brushing up (or shall I say, learning for the first time) some Italian to use on my trip. I’ve been learning about what adaptors and transformers I’m going to need and researching SIM card vendors. I’ve compiled lists and lists of places I want to visit, restaurants to eat at.

So far my to-do list is as follows:
1. Visit the Rialto Markets
2. Try real Venetian squid ink pasta
3. Eat some cichetti
4. Take the Vaporetto #1 down the Grand Canal
5. Get lost
6. Go to an Italian opera performance at Zen Palace or listen to a Vivaldi concert
7. Visit the Bridge of Sighs by Doge’s Palace
8. Take a gondola rowing lesson

I’m sure that I’ll be adding to this list as I go on.

Follow my blog to keep up to date with my Italian adventures. Ciao!


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