REVIEW: Pho Xe Lua Viet Thai Restaurant

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I have a confession. I've never tried pho [pronounced "fuh"] before.

Well I may have tried it but I don't really remember. So I'm just going to say that I tried it for the first time today.

After walking around Chinatown for a little while, we came across this little Vietnamese place called Pho Xe Lua Viet Thai Restaurant. (Long name, I know. But it had "pho" in its name so I knew it had to be good.)

And I sure was right!

It was magnificent. I didn't know what to expect. But it definitely exceeded expectations (For all your HP fans out there, this was definitely a solid E). I got the pho with beef, tendons, and tripe. The broth was light but flavorful. It complemented the noodles very nicely. Halfway through, though, I made the mistake of adding a little too much sriracha (I know, it didn't know it was possible either). I love spicy foods but this spicy just wasn't doing it for me. It masked the delicate flavors of the original pho and turned the soup into a brightly colored orange, as you can see.

I also ordered a cold French Coffee with Sweetened Condensed Milk.

When it first came out, I was kind of confused. How did this contraption work again? Thankfully, the waiter quickly explained, mixing the sweetened condensed milk and coffee up quickly before adding the ice. 

Ta da! It worked! Like magic. Just kidding. 
This coffee was strong. Definitely woke me up which was definitely needed after a week of tiredness.

I'm glad a tried something new today! I thought for a long time that I just wouldn't like food. But as I've gotten older, I've transformed from a seriously picky eater into an aspiring foodie who will eat just about anything.

So my challenge to you all is to try something new today! Who knows? You might just end up discovering a new favorite dish.


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