The College Cook: Week 1

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So now that I finally have a kitchen and no meal plan, time to put my non-existent cooking expertise to the test.

Inexpensive & healthy cooking turned out to be much easier than I anticipated!

Here is a sampling of the dishes I've been making. They may not look so swell (I'm working on improving the presentation...) But, I assure you, they taste scrumptious.

Udon Noodle Soup: Udon noodles + Soup packet + Spinach + Egg

Steamed Broccoli and Garlic

French Toast with Ben & Jerry's ice cream

Omelet: 2 Eggs + Cheese (that's the goopy thing on top) + Mushrooms + Spinach

Sauteed Spinach and Garlic

None of these took more than 15 minutes to prepare. Healthy AND delicious.


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